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Examination by the Israel Consumer Council: the flight ticket prices to Milan towards the Final Four have risen


Maccabi Tel Aviv basketball team, representing Israel, has been qualified for the Final Four that will take place in Milan, Italy. Thousands of the team supporters meant to fly there in order to cheer on the team; but when they discovered the fares, some of them decided to give up or – lacking any other option - to pay the high price.

An examination conducted by the Israel Consumer Council shows that El-Al Airline has substantially increased airfares to Milan, while the price per person per round trip is of $1,211 only during the Final Four period.

A survey conducted by the Consumer Council found that 75% of the public have stated that the price increase was not fair.

The Israel Consumer Council has launched a campaign around the internet and Facebook and has released the attached announcement that has received many reactions and shares.

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The Israel Consumer Council is the largest consumer organization in Israel. It is a statutory, non-profit corporation which works to defend consumers and protect their rights, by handling complaints, seeking solutions..