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The Israel Consumer Council Joins the " Digital Israel" Initiative


The national initiative "Digital Israel", whose bureau is in the Ministry for Social Equality, is a government project aimed at harnessing the potential of the digital revolution and the advancement of information and communications technologies (ICT) to accelerate economic growth, reduce socio-economic gaps and transform the government into a smart, efficient and citizen-friendly world leader in the digital domain.


At a meeting held last week, attended by representatives of the participating parties, it was announced that the initiative, led by the Ministry for Social Equality, was underway. Among the parties participating in the initiative are the Bank of Israel, the Israel Securities Authority, the organization Paamonim, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Economy, the Israel Tax Authority and the Israel Consumer Council. Revach Naki (Pure Profit), a non-profit organization that promotes financial education in schools, released the following statement: "The meeting proved what we already know – where there's a will, there's a way. And now all we need is one more push from the public. We come away from the meeting feeling reassured that many organizations want to cooperate in serving our youth and the general public. We all agree that with productive cooperation between all parties, we are tipped for success. Little by little, we are raising public awareness of the issue. We are prepared to do a lot more to reach our goal – financial education for all!"


According to the Ministry for Social Equality , at the heart of the national initiative lies the vision to leverage the potential of the digital revolution to help reduce social and geographic gaps, accelerate economic growth, and promote a smart and friendly government that will position Israel as a world leader in digital governance. The National Digital Program was written in light of this vision, and reflects the Israeli government's digital policy for the years 2017-2020. In order to realize the vision of the national initiative, the overall goals and strategic objectives of the program have been defined.


The National Digital Program was designed to promote the initiative's goals and scope of activity, and to serve as a digital compass for all ministries and government bodies. The program is a framework for the government's activity in implementing the national initiative and the ministries and support units will work to realize the initiative, either through ministry work plans or through special digital ministry programs, assisted by the Digital Israel Bureau. In order to assist government ministries in formulating a digital strategy, the program includes a number of guiding principles: targeting customer needs, information resource management, digital inclusion and digital by default. These principles are consistent with the government's ICT strategy formulated by the Government ICT Authority. The program will help build growth engines for the economy and create national benefits for the state and for society, and its realization will give Israel the opportunity to make a significant and necessary digital breakthrough.


For more information about the Israel Digital Initiative click here >>


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The Israel Consumer Council is the largest consumer organization in Israel. It is a statutory, non-profit corporation which works to defend consumers and protect their rights, by handling complaints, seeking solutions..