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Israel Consumer Council
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Israel Consumer Council

Dear Consumers, The English website of the Israel Consumer Council is no longer up to date. In the near future we intends to launch a new, advanced, responsive and modern website in English.

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The Consumer Council has filed a class action lawsuit against IDigital and Icon Group

The District Court upheld a class action lawsuit filed by the Israel Consumers Council against iConGroup, the official distributor of Apple products in Israel, and the marketing network iDigital. "They breached their obligation to provide replacement parts for iPad and iPod devices for two years from the date of purchase, and failed to inform consumers that replacement parts could not be purchased"

The Consumer Council has launched an app for filing real-time complaints

The complaint can be filed in the following languages: Hebrew, English, Russian and Arabic. CEO of the Consumer Council: "Awareness of consumer rights among the Israeli population is on the rise. We constantly strive to improve our service to consumers and to make the complaint process, when consumers’ rights have been violated, more accessible."

The Consumer Council has submitted an application to certify a class action lawsuit against three cell phone companies in the amount of 400 million NIS

The complaint was filed against Cellcom, Pelephone and Partner for collecting money from customers for content services without their consent

The Israel Consumer Council Joins the " Digital Israel" Initiative

" Digital Israel" is a national initiative led by the Ministry for Social Equality together with the Bank of Israel, the Israel Securities Authority, the non-profit organization Paamonim, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Economy, the Israel Tax Authority and the Israel Consumer Council. The initiative aims to help reduce social and geographical gaps, accelerate economic growth and promote a smart, friendly government with world-leading digital status

Guide and tips for tourists before the Eurovision Song Contest

The Israel Consumer Council has prepared for you several consumerism tips that may facilitate make your sojourn easier.

Advice for consumers regarding the refund of air tax for children on flights from the UK

As of March 2016, Britain changed its policy with regards Air Passenger Duty (APD), and children under 16 are now exempt from APD when leaving the UK. If you have paid – click on the link below to fill out a letter requesting a refund from the airline

The Consumer Council calls for addressing the price gaps between healthy food and unhealthy food

Israel Consumer Council economist said in the Economic Affairs Committee that consumers choose products on the shelf according to their price and consume the cheap products rather than the healthy ones. According to Bergfreund, price surveys conducted by the Consumer Council found that healthy products run between 40 percent and 120 percent more than the cost of staple products.

The Consumer Council calls for increased supervision and enforcement on toys

At the Negev Conference for Child Welfare, the CEO of the Consumer Council said: "In the current situation, the health of babies and children in Israel often remains unprotected and lacking optimal maintenance. Israeli babies and children are a weakened population that is taken advantage of by some manufacturers and marketers"

The Consumer Council has filed a motion for class action against El Al Airlines

The motion alleges that El Al Airlines has caused damages to many consumers when they have charged illegal cancellation fees on airline tickets from thousands of consumers, causing damage to its customers and violating the provisions of the Aviation Services Licensing Regulations. The motion refers to a group of thousands of people who have been caught in this situation at a sum estimated at over $ 40 million

The Consumer Council is promoting a bill to set a maximum price for ATM (automated teller machine) fees for withdrawals

About two-thirds of ATMs are private, and they charge excessive and unsupervised fees. Following the private ATM protest, the Council, along with the Ministry of Economy, promotes the bill to limit the fee

1,4 million NIS will be granted to around 15,500 Holocaust survivors as a financial discount in the electricity account

As a result of the settlement in a lawsuit filed by the Consumer Council, NIS 1,423,787 will be granted to clients of the Israeli Electric Corporation, who, according to their record, are defined as Holocaust survivors. Taking into consideration that the group is estimated to comprise around 15,500 Holocaust survivors, each of whom will be entitled to an additional NIS 91.8

Directive of the Israeli Law, Information and Technology Authority: A consumer may receive from a business video recordings and conversations with him

According to the instructions of the Israeli Law and Technology Authority, the right of inspection provided by the Protection of Privacy Law applies not only to written communications but also to any type of information that is digitally stored in any format, including voice recordings of telephone calls and video filming

Under the initiative of the Consumer Council: taxi fares have finally been reduced

Supervision Order over taxi fares that the Minister of Transport and the Minister of Finance have published earlier this week brings good news for the passengers: the reduction of fares by around ten percent. Beginning in November 3, the initial state of the taximeter will be only 11 NIS instead of 12.30 NIS

The Consumer Council to the Ministries of Sport and Communications: Intervene for the regulation of the broadcasting of sports events

Israel Consumer Council CEO has sent a letter to the Minister of Sport and to the Minister of Communications, stating: "a regulatory intervention of the Ministry of Communications and of the Ministry of Culture and Sport is required in order to establish that wherever broadcasting rights of sports events are sold, the major broadcastings will be transmitted in channels exempted of payment"

Closing a loophole in the consumer protection's net / Adv Ehud Peleg

"Albert Einstein said, "The opposite of forgetting things is to write them down". The Israeli legislator says, "The opposite of taking advantage of forgetfulness, is fairness and equity". Israel Consumer Council CEO in an editorial following the approval of the Law for Prevention of Aggressive Debt Collection

Israeli success in improving global standard for children's motor vehicles

Following the collaboration between the Israel Standards Institute and the Israel Consumer Council which mobilized international consumer organizations, an Israeli initiative has succeeded in improving a global safety standard for motorized vehicles for children. The new standard will prevent parents from losing their control over their child's electric vehicle and avoid accidents

The Law for Prevention of Aggressive Debt Collection has been adopted at the second and third readings in the Knesset

The law, initiated by the Consumer Council, aims to regulate the way requests for debts repayment are delivered. The business will have to send a letter to the consumer in which will appear the details of the debt, the way it was calculated and proof of the transaction. Consumer Council CEO: "The law will end the Trying it on Method"

The Israel Consumer Council to the Ministry of Communication: Publish the report of the breakdown at Pelephone Company

The Consumer Council CEO has sent a letter to the Ministry of Communication CEO, stating: "The Consumer Council requests to receive the Ministry's report regarding the results of the examination conducted by the Ministry about the source of the breakdown and the way it was handled, as well as the condition of Pelephone's infrastructure and level of maintenance"

Fair temptation? / Adv Ehud Peleg

What is the allowable limit in tempting consumers to make a purchase? Businesses will always be tempted to tempt the consumer, but a wise consumer will not believe the publications and will want to examine them and to check proof of their accuracy. There is no substitute to skepticism and to consumer's control in the fight to prevent dishonesty in commerce

The Consumer Council to the Minister of Education: introduce the compulsory study of law in high schools

Towards the 2016 International Consumer Day, the CEO of the Council wrote to Minister Bennett: "The legal language is the most important tool of self-defense in a reality of unfairness in commercial life"

Complaints Report 2015: 8.6 million NIS returned to consumers with the help of the Consumer Council

The Consumer Council has released, just like every year, the annual report of consumers' complaints and inquiries. Over 43 thousand complaints were received, while the percentage of justified complaints, which were successfully treated, is 72%. The field of communications is still the sector with the larger number of complaints

Fairness index in the fashion sector: 40% of customers have been exposed to unfairness

The Consumer Council and the Administration for Research and Economics have examined the fashion chains and have found: 4 out of 10 buyers have reported that they have been exposed to incidents they perceived as being unfair. In average, 3 buyers out of 10 perceive the chain as having a mediocre level of integrity and below

Report of the Consumer Council's Small Claims Service for 2015: 696 indictments, 98% ended in favor of consumers

The Consumer Council has released the report of its Small Claims Service for 2015, revealing that the estimated moneys refunded to consumers in 2015, are around 1,150,000 NIS

The regulatory burden – the rhetorical failure / Adv Ehud Peleg

In economic life, the market is expected to regulate itself through the various forces of supply and demand. The market forces are supposed to guarantee free competition in quality and price, and to the opinion of the economists, this is the goal to be reached

'Bye Bye to Buy Buy' campaign. Watch the video clip

Following a severe report of the State-Comptroller about food-waste in Israel and the global effort about the need to reinforce sustainable consumption, ICC launched a campaign aimed at middle-high schoolers in English lessons, against unlimited and uncontrolled shopping.

The consumer challenge / Adv Ehud Peleg

Midnight bells that have heralded the beginning of 2016 should inspire consumers to adopt a more responsible and active approach in relation to their equipment with the informative and actions toolbox they are provided with

Proposal for a 9th Consumer Right

The Israel Consumer Council (ICC) addressed CI on February 3 2014, raising the need for declaring a 9th Consumer Right - The Right to a Proper Defense, following a severe case of consumers intimidation and misleading on a large scale, that occurred in Israel that year

The Consumer Council and the Ministry of Education are proud to present: a program for fair consumerism

A new program of the Ministry of Education and the Israel Consumer Council comes out against unfairness in the Israeli society. The program will encourage students to exert criticality and to act as active consumers against injustice and unfairness in the society and in commercial life. The program will soon be translated into Arabic

Materialism or fairness / Adv Ehud Peleg

Within the relationships between businesses and consumers in Israel, there is a shortage of fairness. Business owners often take advantage of the inferiority of consumers in knowledge or economic power, to exploit them and to make profits they do not deserve

A bill of law concerning the obligation to inform consumers of the existence of a debt has been approved in a preliminary vote

At the end of a debate, the Economics Affairs Committee of the Knesset approved the following bill: the obligation to inform consumers of the existence of a debt before beginning enforcement proceedings by lawyers. CEO of the Consumer Council: "The bill will provide the consumer with means of control that will enable him to know whether the debt is real or not"

Consumer Council's report: increase of 30% in number of adults (over 21 years old) relying on parents to buy food

According to the study, which examined consumers spending habits, many rely on their parents, not only to buy food but also regarding their children kindergartens or clothing and more. About 45% of consumers say they have thrown away food last week

Consumers' solidarity / Adv Ehud Peleg

Precisely the reduction of consumption by the public over the past year has led to a decrease of prices in supermarket chains in 2015 as compared to 2014. The basic trade rule is that prices are determined by supply and demand: the more goods compared to the number of potential buyers, the lower the product price to consumer

Fairness index in the banking sector: 40% of customers have been exposed to unfairness in their bank

Israel Consumer Council publishes a scathing report revealing that one-third of the customers feel that the level of integrity in their bank is mediocre. 50% of bank customers report about high commissions, long waiting time and more

"The Angels Test" - a conflict of interest in pension savings / Adv Ehud Peleg

When it comes to world trade, we must particularly keep these facts in mind, if we want to ensure not only the interests of business owners, but also fairness toward consumers

Complaints Report 2014: about 41 thousands complaints. The record-holder : the field of telecommunication

IThe Israel Consumer Council has released the annual complaints report, revealing that in 2014, the Consumer Council has returned about 5.7 million NIS to consumers. 80% of the complaints that have been closed were justified

Thanks to formulation of claims by the Consumer Council, over one million and a half shekels have been returned to consumers in 2014

In 2014, as part of the service, which is free of charge, the Consumer Council has helped formulating 574 claims. 96% of the claims ended in favor of consumers. An average of 3,176 NIS was returned to each consumer

Street Poll: Israelis give up on convenience in favor of cheap prices

The Israel Consumer Council has examined the shopping habits of the Israeli consumer in the sector of food products. The results reveal that for the consumer, the price of the product constitutes a significant consideration in choosing where to purchase food products. Over half of the consumers have reported that they have stopped buying a product because of its cost. Two out three consumers compare prices before shopping in food chains.

2014 summary in consumerism: from a cup of coffee for 5 NIS to class action for 245 millions of NIS

The Israeli Consumer Council summarizes a year full of events in the field of consumerism: legislative amendments passed in the Knesset, class actions that have been accepted, reforms that have began, results of the struggle against the cost of living and more

Consumer Council warns out : suspicion of deception in packed eggs

Is it right to put an illustration of a free and happy hen in the field on eggs packages that are not free range eggs and despite the fact that the hen is being held under harsh living and growing conditions? CEO Council turned to the Authority for Consumer Protection on this matter

New in the Israel Consumer Council website: A forum about consumer rights

Many consumers do not know where to turn when they encounter consumer wrongdoing and unfairness in consumer related issues. In 2013, Israel Consumer Council received about 40 thousands requests from consumers, in addition to thousands of additional requests received through the above-mentioned channels.

The Consumer Council has filed a class action against Tnuva for 235 million NIS

The lawsuit was filed due to excessive prices charged for packaged yellow cheese exceeding government control. Israel Consumer Council CEO: "The problem of the cost of living, which is on the public agenda, also stems from monopolistic entities setting excessive prices while milking the consumers, rather than making them partners in profits"

Ministerial Committee for Legislation has approved the bill for supervision of fruit and vegetables prices

The Israeli Consumer Council struggles against the cost of living. Several members of the Knesset have presented the bill in cooperation with the Consumer Council and the Israel Farmers Association. The new legislation will lead to savings of between 300 and 600 ₪ (net) for every family, which represents a yearly salary and a half in terms of minimum wages.

Israel Consumer Council proposes to impose the obligation to specify prices per item in packages

Consumer Council receives many complaints from consumers facing difficulties to compare products sold in packages of different sizes and bearing no indication of any unit of measure. CEO of the Consumer Council, "sometimes, shopping becomes a complex mathematical exercise, which is beyond the means or the patience of many consumers"

Supervision despite of everything / Adv Ehud Peleg

When dealing with Israeli reality, economic theories about creating real competition meet a centralized and aggressive market, also applying political influence, and on the other hand – authorities promoting decisions and laws with much good intentions, but without showing any diligence or investment in enforcement.

The Consumer Council calls for temporary cancellation of "HOT' telecommunication company's license, until they improve the service they provide

In 2014, 1435 complaints have been filled against HOT in matters of quality of service, deception, financial matters and more. Consumer Council CEO: "Getting value for money is a fundamental principle of fairness in the life of consumerism. In circumstances of lack of competition in the market, such a conduct should lead to sanctions by the regulator"

The Consumer Council welcomes the intention to include more products under price supervision

Make acquaintance with new products the Ministry of Finance intends to put under supervision: oil, whole wheat bread, yogurt, dairy desserts, soymilk, frozen vegetables and toilet paper. Consumer Council CEO: "A healthy economy is not only a free market. It is also a regime of brakes and balances"

Principles of consumer's economy / Adv Ehud Peleg

The "Milky" (milk cream) protest might be wrongly understood and might miss the point: if something is dirty at home, you clean the house and do not move to a rented one. It is time to make acquaintance with the 11 principles of consumer economy, and to establish the Israeli market behavior according to them

The Consumer Council calls to the Bank of Israel: cancel the commissions for deposit of bounced check

When a bank refuses a check, both the person who wrote it and the depositor have to pay a commission. This situation is absurd, since the depositor, who is not guilty and has committed no offense, pays a "fine" because of the person who delivered the check. The number of bounced checks due to insufficient funds is estimated at about 1.53 million, for a total of 6.4 billion NIS.

Harsh report of the "fairness index" in the field of electrical and electronic appliances: one out of three consumers has been exposed to unfairness in stores selling electrical and electronic appliances

For the second time, the Consumer Council is releasing the fairness index, this time for electrical appliances. Most people will not be tempted by cheap prices and would prefer to buy at a store where the perceived level of fairness is high. One of five electrical appliances is expected to become out of order during the first year following purchase.

The Israel Consumer Council will check which retail chain modifies its prices before the holydays

Israel Consumer Council has sent letters to retail chains' CEOs regarding the Council's decision to follow up after the prices fluctuation in the chains - before and after publication of shopping baskets prices in the media, in order to prevent them from misleading consumers

70% of the public still do not know most of the products under price control

90% of the minimarkets and about a third of the surveyed supermarkets do not present signs of the products under supervision. The Consumer Council CEO: "The mode of implementation and the lack of enforcement thwart the purpose of the law, and prevent from the consumer the possibility to reduce his cost of living".

The bill for the price control of fruits and vegetables prices is underway

The end to abusive prices of fruits and vegetables: the Israel Farmers Association, in cooperation with the Israel Consumer Council, has initiated a bill for the price control of marketing margins in fruits and vegetables.

The end to inflated prices at Ben Gurion Airport? Consumer Council requires: supervision over food prices

Consumer Council CEO to the Airport Authority and other public bodies: prevent skyrocketing prices at Ben Gurion Airport and abusing customer as captives.

Hen no longer lays golden eggs / Adv Ehud Peleg

The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) has recently released some data showing a significant decline in private consumption and there are some concerns about a probable slowdown in the economy.

About 70% of the Israelis have changed their consumption habits due to the cost of living

The cost of living in the State of Israel has led to changes in consumption habits of many consumers who had to adapt themselves to the new economic reality. Last month, the Central Bureau of Statistics has released the national accounting data for the first quarter of 2014

For the first time in Israel, the real profit margin for fruits and vegetables has been calculated

The Israeli Consumer Council - along with the Farmers Association - promotes the development of supervision of the profit margin. Which fruit has been sold for an average of 9 NIS, while the agriculturist gets about 4 NIS for this product?

Complaints Report 2013: above 40 thousands complaints, the record-holder of the complaints: the field of telecommunication

In 2013, the Israel Consumer Council has received 40.426 complaints, a raise of 6% in comparison with last year. The Council has returned to the consumers 5,35 million NIS, an increase of 34% compared to 2012 regarding return of moneys to consumers. The record-holder for the complaints – the field of telecommunication.

For the First Time in Israel: The Israel Consumer Council Publishes the Fairness Index

The first industry that was assessed: the food stores industry. According to the findings: one out of every two people (54% of the public) encounters unfair trade practices in the supermarket chain where they do the majority of their shopping.

Is honesty truly the "name of the (business) game"? / Adv Ehud Peleg

Legendary Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi included within the seven social sins - the sin of commerce without morality.Israel Consumer Council regretfully states that commercial life in Israel is infected with this serious social sin of dishonesty

World Consumer Rights Day 2014 marked in Israel at the Knesset, with the theme of fairness towards consumers

Over 100 students and teachers from across Israel gathered in the Knesset’s Negev Auditorium to mark World Consumer Rights Day with a gala event: announcement of the winners of the 2014 competition for video clips on the theme of fairness towards consumers

Small Claims Project Summary: Over 1 million N.I.S returned to consumers in 2013

The Israel Consumer Council helped get over 1 million NIS back for consumers in 2013 through its “Civil Enforcement” program, which assists consumers in drawing up claims for the Small Claims Court

Israel Consumer Council for "captive audience": selling products at reasonable prices

The Consumer Council is fighting for the sake of the “captive audience” in railway stations and hospitals. Adv. Ehud Peleg, CEO of the Israel Consumer Council, at a special  session of the Knesset Economic Affairs  Committee: The consumer interest in government tenders is no less important than profits

Proposal for a 9th Consumer Right / Adv.Ehud Peleg

CEO of the Israel Consumer Council turned the international consumer organizations by offering to add a 9th Consumer Right

Summary of the Consumer Council Patrol’s Activities for 2013

The Consumer Council’s SEMEL (Sayeret Moetza Latzarchanut – Consumer Council Patrol) Project summarizes a year of price differentials – between supermarket chains, between different branches, between different cities. All the comparisons, findings and summaries – detailed for you below.

Special inquiry of the Israel Consumer Council reveals how parking lots exploit the lack of parking in the cities

A parking lot inspection conducted by the Consumer Council Patrol revealed that some parking lots do not abide by the regulation to display quarter hourly parking rates, starting from the second hour

The Israel Consumer Council is proud to present: website in Arabic

The Israel Consumer Council found a gap of up to 151% between the prices that retail chains pay farmers and the prices they charge consumers for fruit. Vegetable prices are also on the rise.

Consumer Council check reveals: sales margins of several hundred percent in fruit and vegetable prices

The Israel Consumer Council found a gap of up to 151% between the prices that retail chains pay farmers and the prices they charge consumers for fruit. Vegetable prices are also on the rise.

The King is Naked! / Adv.Ehud Peleg

The advent of “Cofix”, the new takeaway café on Ibn Gvirol Street in Tel Aviv, has drawn attention to the notion that there are those who say that it represents the nature of a commercial economy while there are those who see it as the essence of piggish capitalism: "maximizing profits".

Israel has been accepted to the European Consumers’ Organization

The General Meeting of the European Consumers’ Organization (BEUC) confirmed at the weekend the decision of the organization’s Executive Committee to accept the Israel Consumer Council as a partner of the BEUC.

The end of "99 Agorot" era: 85% believe that businesses do not round their prices to the nearest shekel to mislead the consumers

Following the end of the "99 agorot" era, the Consumer Council checked the scope of the phenomenon at 280 points-of-sale of chain stores and how the public felt regarding the new law

One year for the regulations requiring signs indicating price-controlled products: 88% of Minimarkets Checked Lack Signs

Checks by the Consumer Council Field-Teams: 88% of Minimarkets and about 1/3 of Supermarkets Checked Lack Signs Indicating Price-controlled Products

No secrets / Adv. Ehud Peleg

It was recently reported in the media that Tara (an Israeli dairy product manufacturer) has removed a number of ingredients with nutritional and health value from its soft white and cottage cheeses, without informing the public. Does such conduct reflect a fair policy toward consumers?

Consumer Council to Bezeq: Indicate the cost of the “Star” service from Directory Assistance

A survey carried out for the Israel Consumer Council indicates that 96% of those making use of the “Star” function are unaware of its cost, which is 61.05 agorot. CEO of the Consumer Council: “The public has a basic consumer right to receive all the information it needs to decide whether or not to purchase a product or service”

Survey: 65% of consumers compare prices before making their weekly food purchases

The Israel Consumer Council checked the purchasing habits of Israeli consumers: an increase of 20% in the number of consumers who view price as the most important component of a purchase; about 50% of consumers responded that the first consideration in choosing where to buy is price.

The Consumer Council launches a new campaign: “With you all the way to the Small Claims Court”

The campaign is intended to introduce the Council’s new service: preparation of statements of claim on behalf of consumers, to be filed with the court. Consumer Council CEO: “We want to encourage the public to become an active partner in the fight to realize their rights.”

Time lost makes higher living cost / Adv. Ehud Peleg

Once in a while the consumer feels that service providers have total disregard for his time and ignore the fact that for him too "time is money", sometimes excessive amounts of money.

The Consumer Council Patrol looks at: How much will it cost you to go to the beach?

The bathing season has already started, and members of the Consumer Council Patrol have gone out, this time with an unusual mission: to check and compare prices at beaches throughout the country, from north to south. Their complete findings are in this article.

Test Yourself: Are you a smart consumer?

Do you know how to stand up for your rights against businesses? How well versed are you in consumer protection laws? Are you aware of your consumer rights or are you an easy target in the consumer market who buys everything that’s for sale?

The Damage from Removal of Price Control on Cottage Cheese: Over 760 Million Shekels

The Consumer Council has recently examined the cost to consumers of the removal of price control over cottage cheese. The investigation shows that the price of cottage cheese rose by between 30% and 40%, while the prices for products that remained under price control rose by only 10%

The National Consumer Pastime / Adv. Ehud Peleg

If the personal pastime of Shufersal’s CEO is to get consumers to spend money, the national pastime of consumers needs to be the comparing of prices.”

The Consumer Council is proud to present: "Consumerism at a Click"

"Consumerism at a Click". The simplest and easiest way to examine the legal right to cancel a deal. Israel Consumer Council empowers consumers through an innovative application that allows them to examine their legal right to cancel a deal while receiving practical tools to put their right into action.

"Consumerism at a Click" in a Cartoon

This cartoon is our publication for our new service for consumers,
That was launched in the event of WCRD. It was published in the main Israeli Newspaper In the same page describing the visit of President Obama

The Israel Consumer Council's Activities for World Consumer Rights Day 2013

ICC's Activities for World Consumer Rights Day 2013 focuses on 6 principal channels

The Consumer Council Patrol Project, for Price Comparisons

From now, all citizens in Israel will be able to obtain – at no cost – information on a shopping basket of 40 products, from 150 points of sale throughout the country. Adv. Ehud Peleg, Consumer Council CEO: “This is part of the Consumer Council’s campaign against unreasonable profit margins in the food industry, and our fight – together with consumers – against the cost of living.”

Winners of the "Loser? Not me!" Competition were announced

Hundreds of children have participated in the "loser? Not me!" competition. The competition took place as part of the awareness campaign, “Only Losers Pay and Pay”. Children were asked to send a picture and a slogan convincing why they are smart consumers. View the 6 winning pictures and slogans.

Consumer Complaints Report 2012: Over 38 thousand complaints files were opened

Of the many inquiries received by the Council, 38,310 complaint files were opened in 2012. This is an increase of 11.4% over the number of complaints in 2011. 80% of the complaints were found to be justified. The residents of which town complained the most? From where were the least complaints received?

Open your E.A.R.S. / Adv. Ehud Peleg

A well-known issue in electioneering is the question of whether one markets a political candidate in the same way that one markets a bottle of Coca-Cola. One thing is clear – the voter’s decision-making process should include the same stages in a political choice as in a consumer choice. The question is – does he apply them, or does he make his choice through a partial process that omits certain stages?

The Israel Consumer Council assisted consumers in preparing 314 law suits

Assisting consumers in preparing law suits for the Small Claims Courts is part of the Israel Consumer Council’s project to promote increased civil enforcement. The project, which is being run with the backing and funding of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor, was first implemented by the Consumer Council on a partial basis from January 2012, and since November 2012 has been implemented fully

The Council calls for dairy products to be placed under price control again

in light of recent increases in the price of food products. Also calls for the cancellation of VAT on price-controlled dairy products.

In spite of the new regulations: kiosks and minimarkets are not posting signs indicating products subject to price control

“The obligation to post such signs is intended to prevent price gouging and to ensure that consumers can compare prices and choose the less expensive, price-controlled, items in preference to more expensive alternatives”

“Only losers pay and pay” – Television awareness campaign for children

The Consumer Council, in conjunction with the Children’s Channel, has launched an informative campaign for children under the slogan, “Only losers pay and pay”.
 The aim of the campaign is to increase awareness among children of consumer rights and of the appropriate considerations when buying something. The publicity campaign includes a video clip with the Children’s Channel stars, and prize winning activities.

Following a Consumer Council initiative - consumers to pay less for groceries

As a result of recommendations from the Consumer Council to the Kedmi Committee, regulations recently came into force requiring businesses selling foods under price control to post signs near the shelves for those products, giving the list of such products and their prices. Consumer Council CEO: From now on, consumers will have more power to reduce the cost of their purchases.

About Us

The Israel Consumer Council is the largest consumer organization in Israel. It is a statutory, non-profit corporation which works to defend consumers and protect their rights, by handling complaints, seeking solutions to wrongs done to consumers, and through education, enforcement and deterrence, and promotion of consumer rights.
